Learn more about the ambitious blockchain startups that are reinvigorating DeFi with CryptoPlan.

Venture Capital


We support world class projects in the blockchain ecosystem with private capital, marketing, and strategy.

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About us

CryptoPlan is a private venture capital firm that invests in blockchain companies. We believe in blockchain’s potential to build fair, open and secure digital platforms for people around the world. As a private firm we support blockchain projects at different stages – from the pre-seed and seed rounds to angel investments and beyond. We also provide practical help and consultancy to grow the projects we work with.

With experience in varied aspects of the crypto markets, including marketing, tech development and market insight, CryptoPlan works with a range of startups in these promising new financial markets.

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At CryptoPlan we connect capital and ideas. As a private venture capital investor, we support founder teams in the pre-seed stage, carefully analysing the market.

Our mission

Our mission is to discover the most innovative blockchain projects and promote sustainable development across the entire industry globally.

Our mission

We want to explore new possibilities. Financial and internet sector monopolies have led to asymmetrical returns for shareholders, social inequality, and systemic distrust.

Our mission

Web 3.0, powered by blockchain technology, has the potential to offer solutions to help businesses and individuals around the world.

Our mission

By healing the core of our social constructs, we help groundbreaking crypto projects restore trust and fairness in the businesses we work for and the technologies we use.

Our Competitive Edge

Data Analysis and Big Data

Making better, smarter crypto investments means cutting through hundreds of projects to find the next big thing. Our knowledge of data analysis and big data has given us the competitive edge, and we believe data analysis is a crucial requirement for more widespread adoption of blockchain products and services.

Crypto Marketing

Blockchain projects often need a boost to gain traction. With thousands of coins, tokens and other blockchain projects on the market, gaining a competitive edge is more complex than ever. 

Successful marketing is based on the unique demands of the crypto market. Our Web 3.0 specialists know how to create project awareness, develop a reputation and generate demand. 

Crypto Legal

Crypto assets are sophisticated instruments with numerous intricacies and complexities. As crypto projects increasingly venture off the beaten path into the rapidly expanding edges of the blockchain market,  specific legal issues can arise in numerous areas.

We believe decentralized ledger technology has brought many new opportunities to the world of finance. As new crypto products reach market, we are excited to discover where Web 3.0 goes next.

Founders of CryptoPlan

"My passion for blockchain technologies drives my ambition to grow CryptoPlan and discover the most exciting projects."

I've always been drawn by technologies that have the potential to affect the world in a positive way. By connecting capital, tech and people in the blockchain ecosystem, we can support projects that have the power to create change for a brighter future.

Mik Hansen

Co-Founder, Head of Comms & Community

(+372) 56 925 828 mik@cryptoplan.vc
"The most exciting thing about my work at Cryptoplan? Being part of the most promising sector of the decade."

Successful projects are backed by a strong community: people who believe in the cause. My role is to connect the right people and the right opportunities. With a history of starting many successful projects, I bring this mindset to discovering and supporting groundbreaking blockchain projects.

Looking to explore the future of finance?
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Learn more about the ambitious blockchain startups that are reinvigorating DeFi with CryptoPlan.

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